Sunday, June 30, 2013

Puppet Shows and Water Wars

It was a hot and rainy week so our activities were limited to the indoors on the days I worked. There was one dry hot day, thank goodness.

Tuesday was our rainy day. The girl across the street came over to play. If anyone follows me on Twitter, you will know how that day went. There was whining and minor fighting but overall, it wasn't a bad day. Aubrey was a bit sassy at times but she was good. It was the day we did the puppet shows. Some if them were hilarious.

We also made stories for random people that we drew. This is Ella Elaine. One of our characters.

Wednesday, Brynna and I spent a lot of time, just the two of us. Aubrey had golf so Brynna and I played a lot of one on one story cubes. Have you ever heard of them? You roll the dice and  tell a story. Brynna spent most of the time listening to the stories I made up. That's usually what happens when I play with children.

During nap time, Aubrey and I made this eggless cookie dough. She and I have made this before but this batch was probably our best batch yet. She and I both agreed on that.

We spent the last half of the day outside. I sprayed them with the hose since we didn't have time to get the pool out before it was dinner time but we did have fun...okay, I had fun spraying them down. They had me chasing them around the house in the humid weather so I had to get them back.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Books, Shrinky Dinks, and Banners

This week was the second week of summer vacation and we've already ran into some issues. I was expecting it, I just wasn't really prepared for it, I think. Sometimes Aubrey, the oldest girl, can be a bit unwilling to do what others want to do...but her neighbor, her best friend, is the same way. Lots of bickering going on in the house but I tried to curb it as best as I could.

Tuesday morning, I ran out and bought these kits because I had a lot to do for our big project, that we won't be doing until next week. It was hard enough to get what I have done now in the days I had. So, we made these little books instead. It's a pop up book and I was helping Aubrey make it because Brynna doesn't have the patience for it...she's only two.

So, we drew this. It was all very quick for me because I was trying to help Brynna with her craft and doing about ten different things at once. I really enjoy how these girls can sit through a craft from beginning to end. It's not something I'm used to at all. 

All three girls (Aubrey, Brynna, and the neighbor girl), worked on Shrinky Dinks. This was the first time we've tried these. I was a bit curious about how these worked and it was pretty cool...but is there a way you can just get the paper/plastic stuff? I haven't really looked into it but...I can think of a ton of different things I can do with it.

On Wednesday, it was just Brynna and me. We made a banner thing for her room with her name on it and tied it to the top bunk of her bed. I made sure it was easy to come off so her parents could decide whether or not they wanted it up. Brynna just wanted me to put it up there so I did. It's rather cute. I kind of wish I had more colors than the ones I had.

Brynna and I had a blast and some of it I'll write about next week when I post our craft. It's a funny story, actually. The two of us always have a fun time together. She's simple and only wants to play things she can see. She loves going outside, and since it was a beautiful day Wednesday, we spent all day outside.

Well, I guess that's all until next week's crafts. I really can't wait to share it.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Summer Crafts With The Girls

It's the start of summer vacation for the oldest girl, Aubrey, and we decided on crafts to do during the summer. I'm going to have to limit it to one craft per week because it would get too expensive if I let her have it her way. Some of our activities will be on the free/cheap side since I don't have a lot of money to begin with.

Last week, Aubrey, Brynna (Little One), and I painted rocks. I need to get working on making the house for her rock family. The picture above is of the rock I painted.

This is just the start of our summer crafts. This week we are doing a big project that might take both days I work to finish. I hope to post that on Wednesday.

Create Something #1

Trying to get back into this blogging thing. I disappeared for a bit but I'll be making a post at least once a week in the summer...hopefully...if everything goes according to plan. Well see. I tend to get sidetracked with things...a lot.

Another thing I need to update is my Etsy shop. I have a few new items to add but I've been a bit lazy about posting them. Maybe I'll make a few more things before I get started on my Etsy shop again.

In a few minutes, Vanessa and I are going to start our crafting time. We call it Create Something, and we're supposed to do it twice a week but we haven't been doing a very good job at it. I don't think we created something since we changed the days. This is also going to be the first time I post it in my blog.

Today I decided to work on my Teacups. This one isn't even close to being done but I had to stop after about an hour or so. I have glue all over my hands and it isn't really pleasant.

Once I'm done with the outside, I'm going to probably repain the inside and put a thin coat of resin all over it so I can use it as a little flower pot to put in my window.