Thursday, January 31, 2013

Getting Back Into Sketching and Photography

I've been in the mood to sketch again. I haven't felt like doing this since I went to Florida for Spring Break. I've been so caught up in other things that I feel like I just never have time to relax. Sadly, art never came into my mind. In the last year there have been a few art journal pages that I've completed but my mixed media work isn't that great. I just can't let it flow that well. I'm not giving it up, heck no. I'm just getting back into some work that I loved doing before.

For the last few days, I've been wanting to do something artistic. Whenever that feeling came around, I had nothing to use. No pen or paper or napkin. Sometimes, I was driving. It was kind of random. My muse likes to work at strange times, it always has.

I finally sat down and did something. It's not big or anything. It's not even that great but I did it and I'm satisfied for now. I also found my other Koi Water Colors Pocket Field Sketch Box that I usually take with me when I'm out and about. That was rather exciting. I have some water color paper that I'm going to cut and make into a small sketch book that I can take with me while I'm working. I find that I'm inspired when I'm working so I might as well take advantage of nap time while I can.

Another thing I'm getting into again is photography. I got a little uninspired carrying a large camera around with me so I kind if gave that up but my phone has a decent camera and I can connect to the Internet. Less hassle. So, yesterday, I signed up for an account on Flickr and now I'm doing a daily photo just for that account. Instagram is okay but I like the organization that Flickr gives me. I'll still be using Instagram for my project and Etsy stuff but my daily photos and my artsy photos will all be on Flickr. I guess I could just use both.

My Flickr Account

1 comment:

  1. Tracey - how nice to see you creating! Please be sure to share your creations with us at Inspire Me Monday - and to join us for Friendship Friday this weekend - we're discussing one of your favorite topics, books!

    And, of course, our Wordless Wednesday party is always awaiting your photography! :-)

    Have a fabulous week!

    Create With Joy
